Om Tat Sat

The world is goin’ crazy
And the state of affairs is very sad
The newscast is a tabloid
Even CNN is part of the fad
I understand the common man
Thinks it’s all a charade
So I sit and follow my breath
And I pray
And I om tat sat
I om tat sat
I om tat sat

These days things are scary, you can’t
Trust any stranger you come upon
Everyone is a suspect, even
Children now are carryin’ guns
I understand the angry man
Seems to be a craze
So I sit, follow my breath
And I pray
And I om tat sat
I om tat sat
I om

Legal wars
Whores and lawyers
Stuffed white shirts
Paid off experts
It’s all perverse
I om…

I understand the world’s gone mad
And terrorism’s a plague
So I sit and follow my breath
And I pray
And I om tat sat
I om tat sat
I om tat sat
I om tat sat
I om tat sat
I om tat sat


I can see her 8 x 10
Black and white glossy
Naïve grin
She was gonna be
She said, someday

She left home at seventeen
For the lights and glamour
Of the movie screen
She was gonna be
Like Princess Grace
Yea, she was gonna be
This is your life, the only one
Your dream is your life
Your very own
Masterpiece in time
‘Cuz the masterpiece
Is your life
Dee, dee, dee, dee
Masterpiece is your life

I don’t wanna be too proud
I wanna be a better man
My aim was always true
I don’t wanna drag you down
I wanna lend a helpin’ hand
Lift you up, carry you high
‘Cuz I believe in you
I believe in you
Yea… Dee, dee, dee, dee
Masterpiece is your life
Dee, dee, dee…
Masterpiece is your life

Remember this
Listen to your heart
And follow your bliss
The things you think about
All the long day
Become your reality, your reality
This is your life, the only one
Your dream is your life
Your very own
Is your life, one of a kind
Your dream is your life
Your original
Masterpiece in time
‘Cuz the masterpiece
Is your life

19 Miles

In a little war
A war of words
And attrition
No one ever wins
No one begins
To even ever listen
Fallin’ down
Into the black cauldron of love
Fallin’ down 19 miles
I fell for her
After the last word
Last word

In a battle of one
One lover’s lie
One lie of intention
Betrayed by a kiss
Like a love sick slave
In chains of resistance
Fallin’ down
Into the long siphon of love
Fallin’ down 19 miles
I fell for her
After the last word
The last word

Blind is one love
And one‘s a line
A line of deception
Zero or less, ah yes
The little actress
Feigns affection
Fallin’ down
Into the great vacuum of love
Fallin’ down 19 miles
I fell for her
After the last word

Fool’s Parade

Freddie was cruisin’
In a white
Stolen ‘64
Impala one night
In a case
Of mistaken identity
His homeboy shot him down
He was seventeen
Ain’t life sublime
In all its grandeur and decay
In idiot paradise
Everyday’s a fools’ parade

Gunnar’s a star
In an Aryan clan
He learned to hate
From his ol’ man
Propaganda spews
Racist news
To the goons worldwide
From his own web site
Ain’t life sublime
In all its grandeur and decay
In idiot paradise
Everyday’s a fools’ parade

It’s become a common occurrence
Nobody respecting nobody else
Everyone is suspicious
Of everyone
In idiot paradise
In idiot paradise
In idiot paradise
Everyday’s a fools’

Eddie’s in a hotel
Mixing chemical
As he always does
A cocktail
Of gin
Protease inhibitors
And heroin
Ain’t life sublime
With all its grandeur and decay
In idiot paradise
Everyday’s a fools’ parade
Everyday’s a fools’ parade

In idiot paradise
In idiot paradise
In idiot paradise
Everyday’s a fools’ parade
Ain’t life sublime
In all its grandeur and decay
In idiot paradise
Everyday’s a fools’ parade

Samsara’s Grip

I wanna hush
Muffle the roar
Silence and mute
The sound I abhor
I wanna stop
This monotonous buzz
The distant echo
Of what once was
I can’t get out of my head
Out of my head
Out of my head
And into what is
I can’t free myself
From samsara’s grip

I wanna quiet
The cacophony
The dissonant
Raucous symphony
All the voices
And all the discord
The incessant chatter
Of meaningless words
I can’t get out of my head
Out of my head
Out of my head
And into what is
I can’t free myself

I’m caught in the endless
Wheel and cycle
Of birth, death, rebirth
And death again
Hell and heaven

It’s too damn loud
I can’t hear
Gotta turn down the volume
Between my ears
I’m tired of the noise
And all the chaos
Every thought
I can’t get out of my head
Out of my head
Out of my head
And into what is
I can’t free myself
I can’t free myself
I can’t free myself from
Samsara’s grip
Samsara’s grip
Samsara’s grip
I can’t free myself, samsara’s grip
I can’t free myself, samsara’s grip
I can’t free myself from


Blowin’ down the highway
In venture and thrill
The rush in his veins
Is the alcohol and pills
Carry on, your ill-fated ride
Hit and run homicide
Do you feel contrition
Or anger and denial
Are ya thinkin’ of yourself
Or the child, ah yea
Murder, murder

Southeast in O.C.
Lopers cruise the streets
With tattoos of allegiance
Guns and rosaries
Carry on, vato chingon
Your time’s gonna come
In your random violence
Do you feel regret
Is nothing sacred
Or innocent, ah yea
Murder, murder…

Rage against the system
Of loop holes and leaks
Freedom is a privilege
Of power and celebrity
Carry on, counselor with your spin
Blow your idiot wind
Justice for everyone
Is a fallacy, a joke
Money acquits and the poor
Get the rope, ah yea
Murder, murder
Murder, murder, ah yea
Murder, murder

Consequence of War

It’s all around us
No one escapes
Random acts
In violent ways
Seems like nothing
Ever shames us
But murder is outrageous
So long, what for
Another consequence of war
So long, what for
Another consequence of war

So many colors
And many faiths
But fear and ignorance
Is hard to change
Misguided teachings
Are passed for generations
With no tolerance or patience
So long, what for
Another consequence of war
So long, what for
Another consequence of war

History don’t lie
History don’t lie
We repeat the same things

It’s everywhere
It’s in the news
It’s real life
It’s me and you
Etched in our psyches
Like a tattoo
I see the future in my rear view
So long, what for
Another consequence of war
So long, what for
Another consequence of war
So long, what for
Another consequence of war
So long, what for
Another consequence of war

Right In The Head

She comes possessed
Mad as the birds
Smilin’ wildly
Speaking no words
She slowly enters
The heaven-proof room
Bolting the door
With her arm, her plume
Love is her hunger
It’s got to be fed
But the love, the lover
The lover ain’t right
Right in the head

Incense and oil
Patchouli and sage
Sex magick and wicca
She celebrates
Dancin’ in the moons
Kaleidoscope light
Bouncin’ off the walls
She’s a carnival
Love is her hunger
It’s got to be fed
But the love, the lover
The lover ain’t right
Right in the head

She raves, raves mad
‘Cuz the lover
Ain’t right in the head
Right in the head
Right in the head

She offers communion
And pagan bliss
And I don’t refuse her
After one kiss
In my stucco tomb
Of four white walls
My heart goes zoom
Love is her hunger
It’s got to be fed
But the love, the lover
The lover ain’t right
Right in the head
Love is her hunger
It’s got to be fed
But the love, the lover
The lover ain’t right
Right in the head

Shrink The Guru

Born and baptized
Into guilt I was raised
By a zealous man
And his righteous way
Living a lie
Of consequence and sin
I was seeking validation
But I wasn’t gonna get it from him
I’m alright, I’m only bleeding
And bodhisattva
Is in the corner getting fat
Shrink the guru, shrink the guru, yea
He’s always eating it
I am everything and I am that
I am everything and I am that
I am everything and I am that
Yea, I am that

Was a wild child
With a serene soul
Lost in the random
Thoughts of my ego
Learning to quiet
A violent mind through zen
I was looking on the outside
When the answer was within
I’m alright, I’m only bleeding
And bodhisattva
Is in the corner getting fat
Shrink the guru, shrink the guru, yea
He’s always eating it
I am everything and I am that
I am everything and I am that
I am that

I’m alright, I’m only bleeding
And bodhisattva
Is in the corner getting fat
Shrink the guru, shrink the guru, yea
He’s always eating it
I am everything and I am that
I am everything and I am that
I am everything and I am that
I am everything and I am that
Yea, I am that
Shrink the guru…

World Just Is

It’s a world of random violence
Arrogance and blindness
Ambition and greed
Nothin’ much is sacred
Prayer fuels hatred
Like fire ignites gasoline
Terrorism’s a sensation
A popular vocation
Of the youth it perverts
Fundamentalist religion
Kills all rational decision
And is it really God’s word
Or just cold-blooded murder
The world just is what it is
What’s it ever gonna be but this
The world just is what it is
World just is what it is
World just is

False gods and true believers
Politicians and deceivers
Lawyers and thieves
Corporate thugs in ivory towers
Addicted to power
It’s a common disease
Of avarice and apathy
The world just is what it is
What’s it ever gonna be but this
The world just is what it is
World just is what it is

World just is… what it is

Among the dust and ruin
Are diamonds in the ashes
And flowers in the weeds
Young souls in soiled linen
Of smiling dirty faces
Who dare to believe
In miracles and incredible things
The world just is what it is
What’s it ever gonna be but this
The world just is what it is
World just is


Nothing’s permanent
In God’s charade
What’s certain now
Is soon to change
There’s nothin’ really
To acquire
Everything’s rented
When you expire
You don’t need
All this material shit
Get rid of it
There’s nothing to possess
In God’s fine mess
God’s fine mess

Everything’s transient
Nothing sticks
It all peels away
Far too quick
Time is movement
Like the breeze
We use to gauge
Our mortality
Don’t that blow
Your inquiring mind
Relax, kickback
Enjoy the ride
‘Cuz life is a surreal fest
In God’s fine mess

Experience God’s fine mess

Nothing’s forever
All things decay
Into dust
And ash with age
All there is
Is here and now
This moment
And nothing else
Right action
Or apathy
As you think
So shall you be
In misery or happiness
In God’s fine mess
God’s fine mess