Weight of His Words

His mind is set, his eyes are fixed
He criticizes just for kicks
With every prick and insult he spews
His ego blows up like a hot balloon
He speaks of things he thinks he knows
In syncopated measured tones
He sees himself a sage in robes
But I see a fool

He don't acknowledge why it is
This clinging to life's bitterness
Where there's no love, there is no faith
Without forgiveness, there is no grace
What's been said in the past
You can't escape
He's gonna carry the weight
Carry the weight
He's gonna carry the weight
Carry the weight of his words

I know there's a reason for everything
But it didn't have to be this way
I can't help but think of
What a cryin' shame
He's gonna carry the weight
Carry the weight
Gonna carry the weight
Carry the weight
Gonna carry the weight
The weight of his words

He's gonna carry the weight
He's gonna carry the weight
The weight of his words…

Path of the Heart

Hello, my dear friend
It's wonderful
To see you again
I'm happy to hear
You're doin' fine
And the demons
No longer haunt your mind
Your guru's been waiting
Your guru's been waiting
Waiting for eyes
Unclouded by fear

The journey
Is treacherous and slow
The path of the heart
Is littered with lost souls
But the road's negotiable
For all God's children
So if you stumble or fall
Just get up, give it a grin
Your guru's been waiting
Your guru's been waiting
Waiting for eyes
Unclouded by fear

We're conditioned and programmed
By unwitting moms and dads
Ignorant as the rest of us
And tradition without fail
Tells many a tall tale
Handed down from generation
To generation

Satchitananda, satchitananda
Your guru's been waiting
Your guru's been waiting
Satchitananda… your guru's…
Satchitananda… your guru's…
Hello, my dear friend

Might Have Been

I remember
We were thirteen
Holding hands
On Halloween
You were sad and
I was trying to
Be a man
And comfort you
Those days are gone
And over now
You married
And had two girls
But memories
Of you linger on
Sometimes I think
What might have been

You moved far away
Raised a family
I hope you're happy
And doin' well
Those days are gone
And over now
Your children have
Grown and married
I wonder if you
Ever reminisce
And think of
What might have been

Those days are gone
And over now
The sun is
Coming out
I met a girl, friends say
She looks like you
It makes me think
What might have been
Makes me think
What might have been
Was just a dream
Just a dream
Just a dream
Just a dream


You laughed and said hello
But your smile was feigned
As you sank the dagger deep
'Tween my shoulder blades
At first I didn't
Feel a thing
Just some numbness from
Must have been the shock
Of your denial

Your words struck a chord
That still resonates
It shook me through my bones
And gave me pause to think
That my friend in fact
Was a creep
Just a cunning, guileful
Nothing in the past could have
Warned me of this

My once dear trusted friend
I call you out
You had my confidence
Then you sold me down
A winding river
Of no return
Now your matchstick barge
Of deception burns
And sinks beneath the wake
Sinks beneath the wake
Sinks beneath the wake
Of your betrayal


Blinded by ambition and greed
And an I, me, mine mentality
Using hype and deception to satisfy
A voracious appetite
Big business is nothing but a ponzi scheme
Profit rules over human needs
Lobbyists lobby, politicians stoop
Grovel for dollars of special interest groups
One day we're gonna wake up
To the damage that we've done
One day we're gonna find everything gone

Mother earth's a mess from pollution and war
Pillaged like a disposable whore
Environment is a news byte at best
A pile of paper on a bureaucrat's desk
One day we're gonna wake up
To the damage that we've done
One day we're gonna find everything

Gone, gone, gone from the damage done
Gone, gone, gone from the damage done
Gone, gone, gone from the damage done
Gone, gone, gone from the damage done

One day we're gonna wake up
To the damage that we've done
One day we're gonna find everything gone
One day we're gonna wake up
To the damage that we've done
One day we're gonna find
Gone, gone, gone from the damage done
Gone, gone, gone from the damage done
Gone, gone, gone from the damage done

Dangerous Game

Here we are
Once again
In all our vain-
glorious ambition
No doubt or
Second guess
And damned
The consequence
When the end
Is Justified
By ever changing
Reasons and lies
When hubris rules
Honesty wanes
It's a dangerous game

It's easy
To rationalize
When it's someone
Else's life
Power makes even
The coward brave
It's a dangerous game

Black gold
At what cost
How many innocent
Lives have been lost
How many barrels of
Blood does it take
To fill an SUV
These days
All this
And what for
This land's now a
Festering open sore
How long
Are we stayin'
It's a dangerous game
We're playin'

It's a dangerous game
It's a dangerous game
It's a dangerous game
We're playin'

What in the World

The world is slow to change
Big government likes it this way
It’s an us vs. them, no-win situation
The scam goes on ad infinitum
Whatever happened to honest John
When behind every righteous act
Someone’s doin’ us wrong
What in the world is goin’ on

The chasm’s expanding across
The great divide of have and have-nots
It’s a preoccupation of powerful nations
To award the rich in exchange for donations
I’d shut my mouth and not come on so strong
But the government has its head
Where it don’t belong
What in the world is goin’ on

Corporate malfeasance is a slick
Trick of the books that’s become epidemic
Big brotha’s had his dirty hand in the jar
For so damn long ain’t no more cookies

I see the human cost
Lives ruined, jobs lost
To turn it around for the better
We must act now and come together
It’s the same political scam and con
If that ain’t a kick in the pants
Well I’ll be doggone
What in the world is goin’ on
What in the world is goin’ on
What in the world is goin’ on
What in the world is goin’ on

Mi Vida Es

Everyday I am thankful
Humbled to be so blessed
I can't imagine a better life
Than I have
I can't forget the life I had
I was once a stranger, an
Uninvited guest in my own skin
'Till I surrendered to my higher
Self and trusted
Mi corazon esta abierto
Que hermosa eres

May the grace of God guide you
May the road rise to meet your step
Nobody said the path of the heart
Was gonna be easy
Mi corazon esta abierto
Que hermosa eres
Siempre tuya, siempre tuya
Siempre tuya, tuya
Mi vida es
Mi vida es
Mi vida es

Art of Being

Here I sit
Trying to comprehend
What is it
While all around
The right-side up is
Upside down
This irony
Is not lost on me
I can't explain
God's mystery

In this dream
I am one
With everything
But separation
Bangs a
Dissonant drum
It rings and chimes
Echoes in my mind
This noise
I can't avoid
Zen and the art of
Being a human
Zen and the art of
Being a human
Zen and the art of
Being a human

We are not apart
Close your eyes
And breathe
Visualize your heart

Love and hate
Like rain and a
Sunshiny day
Suffering and bliss
Yes, I am all
Of this
A smile, a frown, a
Monster and a clown
This paradox
It is God's box
Zen and the art of
Being a human
Zen and the art of
Being a human
Zen and the art of
Being a human being

It's the art of being…

Awful Good

Grab your sweater darlin'
It's a foggy evening tonight
Stars flicker, fade and fall
As we wind along the canyon side
They're building homes
Up in them tumbleweed hills
Within these vacant walls of stucco
Sheets we can lose ourselves
Hoo-hoo… She gives awful good
Hoo-hoo… She gives awful good

Up here we're hidden
Cloaked, ghost-like shadows cast
Dark moonlit silhouettes lost
In a beautiful dance
Hoo-hoo… She gives awful good
Hoo-hoo… She gives awful good

I'd walk a hundred miles
Straight up a thousand steps
Get down on my knees and
Crawl to see if she's still interested
Hoo-hoo… She gives awful good
Hoo-hoo… She gives awful good

Everything and That

Welcome to the crusade
Get ready, here we come
To democratize the world
With shock, awe and bombs
The lemmings are ecstatic
Obsequious in glee
Sycophants of disaster
Genuflect to the king
We are everything and that
Which is in everyone, yet
Don't own up to the connection
We're everything and that
Which has come and gone
Yet fail to learn and
The mantra goes om

Living Orwell's vision
Of suspicion, cloak and veil
In a world without borders
And anthrax in our mail
Righteous politicians
Evangelical in zeal
Strippin' away our rights
With reactionary bills
We are everything and that
Which is in everyone, yet
Don't own up to the connection
We're everything and that
Which has come and gone
Pages turn and
The mantra goes om

We are everything and that
Which is in everyone, yet
Don't own up to the connection
We're everything and that
Which has come and gone
The empire burns and
The mantra goes om
Everything and that…