
Old soul
It’s a slipping down life
See a brand new day
In a child’s eye
Shine bright
Like a thousand suns
Burn, smolder like a star
And be done
Listen to your heart
And follow
The road less traveled
Listen to the voice
Inside of you, the
Silence comes too soon

Sweet child
Happy and joyful
Don’t ever lose your cheer
Every smile is dear
Fierce grace
Innocence of age
Make every moment count
Be here now
Listen to your heart
And follow
The road less traveled
Listen to the voice
But beware
Life can seem unfair

Beware, beware
Life can seem unfair
Beware, beware
Life can seem unfair

Listen to your heart
And follow
The road less traveled
Listen to the voice
Inside of you, the
Silence ends too soon
Listen to your heart
And follow
The road less traveled
Listen to the voice
But beware
Life can seem unfair

Child of the Same God

What’s going on here
The same ol’ tired spin
The usual suspects
Pitting us against them
Why do we indulge
These messengers of fear
And meekly capitulate
As our freedom disappears
What’s going on when
It’s you against me
Voices of reason
Their silence is deafening
May God’s grace guide our way
May God’s grace guide our way
We’re all one
Child of the same God

What’s going on here
With tribe against tribe
Religion being used
To control and divide
What’s going on when
Did dogma become truth
And when did a belief
Become an absolute
Old superstitions like
Opinions so hard held
Cling to the minds of those
Too weak to think for themselves
May God’s grace guide our way
May God’s grace guide our way
We’re all one
Child of the same God

Same God
Same God
Same God

May God’s grace guide our way
May God’s grace guide our way
May God’s grace guide our way
We’re all one
We’re all one
We’re all one

Shine On

Life offers surprise
When you might
Least expect it
Knocks you down and shakes
You to your bones
But you lift yourself up
And in your darkest day
Your guiding flame
Still burns blinding
Shine on
Though the worst
Goes before you
Shine on
Though the worst
Goes before you

Through the howling wind
You do not bend
You do not splinter
Like a candle lit
That does not dim
That does not flicker
And in your darkest day
Your guiding flame
Still burns blinding
Shine on
Though the worst
Goes before you
Shine on
Though the worst
Goes before you

Shine on
Though the worst
Goes before you
Shine on
Though the worst
Goes before you
Shine on
Though the worst
Goes before you
Shine on, shine on
Goes before you

Just Like Me

I know who you are though
I haven’t seen much of you
I know all your secrets
I’m the holder of the truth
You can say we’re different
And not the same, but
You know very well my son
Blood is thicker than hate
I raised you Cain
You’re my bad seed
I raised you Cain
And you’re just like me

You can’t fool your ol’ man
He knows better than you, all
Those demons in yo/ur head
Whirl in my mind too
I raised you Cain
You’re my bad seed
I raised you Cain
And you’re just like

Woh-ooh, woh-ooh-woh
Woh-ooh, woh-ooh-woh

Everything inside of you
Resides inside of me, all
Your dark disturbing visions
I know personally
I am the reality that
You cannot avoid
I’m your wicked karma
And you’re my boy
I raised you Cain
You’re my bad seed
I raised you Cain
Child of Eve
I raised you Cain
You’re my bad seed
I raised you Cain
And you’re just like me
Just like me, you’re
Just like me, you’re
Just like me, you’re
Just like me

I Wanna Know

Here we are in lucky town
We’re on our own
No hero’s welcome
No flowers thrown
I’m listening to happy talk
Everything is grand
The louder the denial
The more liable the man
I wanna know
I wanna know
I wanna know
Are we here to help
Or for other reasons

How’d we get to this place
Where to now from here
War only benefits
Politicians and profiteers
I wanna know
I wanna know
I wanna know
Are we here to help
Or for other reasons

Many years from now
When our children ask why
How can we ever explain
The mess we’ve left behind
Here we are in lucky town
We’re on our own
No hero’s welcome
No flowers thrown
I wanna know
I wanna know
I wanna know
Are we here to help
Or for other reasons
I wanna know
I wanna know
Are we here to help

Humbled By Your Grace

Old wounds heal
Scars fade away
Hardened hearts
Will soon be forgiving

Along the road
You’ll meet friends
Whose helping hands
Will always embrace you
And in time
You’ll find your way
A path that leads to
Your own special purpose
Humbled by your grace
And I am humbled by your grace

The ice melts as
The sun comes out
Bright eyes shine wide
Open and sparkle
O my love
It’s good to see you smile
‘Cuz my greatest joy
Is seeing you laughing
And happy
Humbled by your grace
And I am humbled by your grace
And I

See your art as
The sum of your life
And your masterpiece
What you leave behind

Humbled by your grace
And I am humbled by your grace
And I am humbled by your grace
And I am humbled by your grace
And I

Dream With Me

Blessed is
This precious gift
Where kindness shines
Her blinding sun
O joy does come and
An open heart it finds

And saccharine
Sweetness to the eye
From a seed
Sown of love, now
Torn by lies
Dream with me
Dream with me
Dream with me

Tears unto
A flower blooms
Through an iron shell
A petal’s tossed, swept
By the wind, yet
It is not lost
Dream with me
Dream with me
Dream with me
Dream with me
Dream with me

What the Man Does

See the magician
Reality created
By lies and illusion
All the smoke and mirrors
Cannot hide the heartache
The misery and fear

This is now our debt
War only begets more
Enemies than friends
Hubris has no shame
Who’ll be the last
To die for a mistake
It ain’t what happens to the man
It’s what the man does
When it happens to him
Ain’t what happens to the man
It’s what the man does
When it happens to him
Ain’t what happens to the man
It’s what the man does
When it happens to him
Ain’t what happens to the man

It ain’t what happens to the man
It’s what the man does
When it happens to him
Ain’t what happens to the man
It’s what the man does
When it happens to him
Ain’t what happens to the man
It’s what the man does
When it happens to him
Ain’t what happens to the man
Ooh, it’s what the man does
Ooh, it’s what the man does
It’s what the man does
It’s what the man does
It’s what the man does
It’s what the man

Bosko and Admira

Sweethearts since high school
He was a Serb
She was a Muslim
It didn’t matter to them
In 1992
Civil war tore
Apart a nation
Igniting ethnic hatred

In the spring of 93
They decided to
Flee the violence
The monsters and tyrants
A cease fire was arranged
For safe passage
Through Sniper Alley
To Grbavica

Crossing Vrbanja bridge
Close to the end
Hope was so strong
Then it all went horribly wrong
Shots rang out, he fell face down
He was killed
Instantly, then she
Was hit and screamed

With all her strength and all her might
Mortally wounded she crawled
Over to him and
Wrapped her arm around
In fifteen minutes at most, she
Cuddled him, then all was still
And the sun set upon
Romeo and Juliet

Bosko and Admira
We’re killed on a bridge
By the bullets of sniper
On the banks of the river
Forbidden love and
Blood run together
Ah, ah…

Eight days their bodies lay
In no-man’s land
Unrecovered, in the
Arms of each other
Now buried side by side
‘Neath a heart-shaped stone
Near the café, where they
Courted, laughed and cried

Bosko and Admira
We’re killed on a bridge
By the bullets of sniper
On the banks of the river
Forbidden love and
Blood run together
Forbidden love and
Blood run together
Ah, I hear the children play
Ah, Sarajevo serenade

Bosko and Admira
Forbidden love and
Blood run together
Bosko and Admira
Forbidden love and
Blood run together…


Throughout history
We’ve seen his ilk
Intoxicated by
The power he wields
In his grandiose
Imperial dream
The end always
Justifies the means

In his willingness
To exaggerate
He didn’t think twice
Or even hesitate
To hype and lie
To the people whose trust
He abused with a smirk
Of self-righteousness

Where was the outcry
And voice of dissent
Who dare defy
This president
Who from his bully
Pulpit decreed
Traitor is he
Whom disagrees

The emperor has no clothes
He’s alone in a crowd of peers
The palace has no mirrors

When fascism comes
It’ll come here
Under the guise of God
Nationalism and fear
It’ll come with slogans
And a patriots tag
In the form of a cross
Draped in a flag

Shut It Off

Sitting in darkness
Lost in my thoughts
This clinging mind of mine
Is like an albatross
Discord’s a fierce dancer
Like Nureyev at 29
Why can’t I
Quiet my mind
And shut it off
Shut it off

I’m late for this moment
Stuck here in the past
I can’t lose this shadow
It’s always overcast
Gathering clouds
Linger in my eyes
Why can’t I
Quiet my mind
And shut it off
Shut it off

Can’t quiet, can’t silence
The clamoring voices inside
Can’t quiet, can’t silence

What is this noise and
Dissonance in my ears
Chains of enslavement
Are not iron, but fear
Fear of the unknown
Of what I may find
Why can’t I
Quiet my mind

Prick Up Your Ears

Pack up the mule
Untie the camel
Fill up the Humvee
And the Mercedes Benz
We’re headin’ for the dunes
To a tent party
To listen to the Imam
Sing a blue hymn

Smell the sweet hookah
Burning with hashish
Not quite the same scent
As phosphor on skin
A few miles away now
Clusters are falling
Like toys from the sky
For precocious kids
O mama, look what we did
Prick up your ears
Prick up your ears
Prick up your ears
And get what’s
Goin’ down now

Life is precious
Life is dear
War’s a waste
Prick up your ears

Pack up the mule
Untie the camel
Fill up the Humvee
And the Mercedes Benz
We’re headin’ for the dunes
To a tent party
To listen to the Imam
Sing a blue hymn
How in the world
Did we get here
Fire the hookah
Pour some more beer
O mama, what a mess
Prick up your ears
Prick up your ears
Prick up your ears
And get what’s
Goin’ down now

Shall Be Heard

See the mother
Her vacant eyes
Belly Bloated
And freckled with flies
Damned is this barren
Land of blood and dust
Where no pearl millet
Can reap harvest
Don’t turn away
Don’t turn away, don’t
Mother, mother, mother
Your suffering in silence
Shall be heard

‘Neath a giant
Baobob tree
Janjaweed gather
For the merciless deed
What once was murder
Is now genocide
By guns and attrition
And apathy’s appetite
Don’t turn away
Don’t turn away, don’t
Mother, mother, mother
Your suffering in silence
Far too long ignored
Your suffering in silence
Shall be heard
Shall be heard
Shall be heard

For So Long

As a
Precocious girl
Your eyes mirrored
Your mothers world
Used by
Others who
Knew better
Than to ask of you
But you did as your were told
You were obedient and brave
Kind hearted and loyal
And you never complained
I’ve been in love
For so long with you Grace

It’s all so
The way you fall
Into my arms
We’ll always
Be lovers, yes
Long as forever
Or ‘till the world ends
Must’ve met in another lifetime
‘Cuz nothing has changed
Us being together
Wasn’t luck, it was fate
I’ve been in love
For so long with you Grace

Through the hardest of times
You never once lost your faith
You knew we’d meet again
And I’d take you away
I’ve been in love
For so long with you Grace